

Telehealth with a difference:
A Human Centered Design

Integrated Preventive, Emergency and Therapeutic medicine with pharmaceutic dispensation

Telehealth – A Perspective

  • Telehealth as a business model
  • Virtual care
  • Telehealth built for the masses- doctor centric- one doctor fits all
  • Cumbersome and equipment heavy
  • Needs a doctor equipped central command console- questionable availability
  • Telehealth as a tool
  • Virtual-first Care
  • Telehealth built for more targeted needs
  • Light, agile carried in a briefcase
  • Decentralized with mobile command apps on doctors phone accessible from anywhere
  • Innovative with IOTs

Telehealth Modalities

Telehealth nologies are used to support and promote long distance clinical health care, patient and professional heath related education integrating primordial and preventive medicine, public health and health administration.

The nologies include the mainstay being internet with videoconferencing, streaming, data storage, EHR/EMR etc.


  • Real time
  • Live Audio-Video Interaction


  • Store & Forward nology
  • Patient and Doctor/Hospital Portals- EHR/EMR

Remote Patient Monitoring

  • Clinical measurement reporting e.g. EKGs, BP etc.
  • Patient wearables, IOTs

Patient Centric difference

  • Workflow built with the patient at center
  • Collaboration with state and federal agencies providing in depth anonymous analytics monitoring health and healthcare parameters
  • Integration with Ambulances, local taxi and Samaritan partners for earliest transportation for acute emergency patients to TCC
  • Easy App Interface with pictorial directions to ease the navigation for uneducated or old patients
  • Only Solution integrating Emergency care and life saving pharmaceutical intervention

The Solution

A Telehealth solution, comprehensive in nature, targeted in approach, easy to use, covering the expanse of the state, supporting the existing system with an integrated acute life threatening event diagnosis and immediate pharmaceutic intervention with appropriate and timely referral

Establishment of stations across the state, mobile vehicle units, large villages, remote distant villages, village outposts, all tied up with a central station linked to hundreds of different specialty empaneled doctors via mobile apps

Provide a Virtual- first environment enabling comfort for the patient, and reducing the physical load on the hospitals

A. Bring Primary Medical services at the patient's doorstep making healthcare very accessible and deliverable.

This is vitally important for Karakalpakstan due to the large territory and large distances for both Emergent care (to cover by ambulance) and primary visits to see a doctor.

The system could allow a better access to the specialist from the central Medical Centers at Nukus, Tashkent or elsewhere, including partnering hospitals abroad

B. Real time remote reviewing patient's remote physical examination data done by a paramedic with real time dispensing doctor's prescription medications as well, by the doctor from the doctors mobile app

C. Earliest detection of an emergency condition.
For example,
i) Heart attack with ST elevation detected with an ECG followed by
- a dispensing of medicines preventing fatality
- directing a patient to specialized Health Care Facility with an ambulance
ii) Checking a condition of a pregnant woman with an abdominal pain or spotting by examining fetal heart rate distress using a Fetal Doppler followed by
- an instant Hb checkup for anemia as a cause of fetal or maternal mortality
- directing a patient to specific Health Care Facility

D. Routine preventive medical checkups (профилактические осмотры) or monitoring/screening patients from high risk groups, i.e., cardiology, diabetes, pregnant women, oncology etc. for
- Anemia
- Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)
- Blood Pressure- Hypertension in general population, Preeclampsia in pregnant women
- Diabetes or Prediabetes- Glucose
- Breast Cancer – Additional available option.
  Referring relevant patients to the appropriate specialists

E. Preventive Screening of the pediatric population for Growth deficiencies and Congenital heart defects.
For E.g.: Heart Defects:
A simple remote auscultation exam will reveal a VSD or ASD, which if left untreated, very soon can cause enlargement or dilatation of the heart, making it untreatable or inoperable, saving a lifetime of debilitation and dependency.

F. Preventive ECGs to screen for old undetected "silent" heart attacks, essentially weeding out patients at high risk for mortality.

G. Preventive Spirometry, in patients, especially post COVID era, with diminished lung capacity as a direct result of COVID assault, or chronic smokers or both to detect and direct COPD vs Lung Cancer

H. Devices and tests done with Our Kit
All physical examination data is generated and transmitted by devices automatically without human interaction to remove the human error. The kit includes, but not limited to

  • 12-Channel ECG
  • Blood Pressure
  • Stethoscope
  • Thermometer
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Spirometer
  • Fetal Doppler
  • Dermatoscope
  • Blood rapid tests optical reader
  • And many other optionals like breast cancer screening, Opthalmoscope, Otoscope, Xray etc.
  • All inhouse researched and built, rechargeable, lasting 400 uses, easy to use with patent pending.